Friday, December 18, 2009

If you've ever wondered what people think Americans sound like...

The video below-- made by an Italian singer to sound like English-- gives you a picture of what my students are probably hearing 90% of the time when I try to speak to them. Unfortunately for them, though, it's generally without the added fun of a song and dance performance.

After watching this vid, I can now understand my "parrot" students (ie, the kids who think it is absolutely hilarious to repeat back EVERY WORD that I say) just a little bit better.

And apparently the song's "lyrics" sound pretty accurate. Even my co-teacher was trying to figure out what the singer was saying, until I was able to explain to her that it was in fact all gibberish (that's a fun word to teach, by the way).

This second video is only slightly related to the first, but I'm posting it anyway because I think it is one of the absolute cutest things EVER. This video makes me want to switch jobs and become an elementary or preschool school teacher ASAP.

I'm pretty tempted to try speaking gibberish to my kids now, just to see if they notice any difference. Hmm... can you tell I've got a bit of extra time on my hands lately? :)

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